A German wayfarer comes across Giambologna’s evocative Nymphaeum during his Grand Tour, where he happens upon a curious situation
A Florentine reflects on his origins ~ by Simone Lisi
Bernardo Daddi’s “Assumption” and the identity of a city
High on the hill, a place "that still keeps with the stones and rocks"
Between castles and parish churches, medieval times and the future - by Emiliano Gucci
Can a forgotten fruit change the history of a town?
Myths and Symbols in the Parco di Pratolino, on a journey with Francesco I de' Medici
A land shaped by water where the past speaks of miracles, castles under siege and straw woven into hats ~ by Barbara Raugei
Discovering Villa Poggio Reale
The out of town destination for Florentine families following in the footsteps of Dante and Beatrice, the Medici and the Pazzi
The scenery of the art history books
Walking on the shores of Lake Bilancino and the surprising trails into the Mugello
Discovering an Art Nouveau village suspended between the Sieve and the Apennines
A thoroughfare and a trading post since time immemorial
Artisan and proto-industry activity in Vaiano and in the Val di Bisenzio
The ill-fated banquet that initiated the feud between the Guelph and the Ghibelline families
From raw earth to the World’s Dome, without forgetting to dress it well ~ by Marco Vichi
The oldest churches in Tuscany, the mystery of a sixteenth-century fresco, and a bridge of disputed origins
On a day like any other, June 28, 1569
A local loon, an odd correspondence and a few reflections on a magnificent but declining land ~ by Daniele Pasquini
Traveling on the tram of memories ~ by Simona Bellocci
Marvels in Bellosguardo ⁓ by Cesare Baccetti
Agata Smeralda and the people who took her in when still in swaddling blankets - by Federico di Vita
Explore, join, dive right in ~ by Dario Nardella
Journey into the future